Monday 9 June 2008

N.Y. takes piracy battle underground

Partners with the MPAA for subway ad campaign

NEW YORK -- In the midst of the summer blockbuster season that is upon us, the Motion Picture Association of America and the City of New York have teamed to run an anti-piracy campaign in the city's subways.

Based on the partners' success in anti-piracy efforts last year on bus shelters across the city, they brought back the slogan "Get the Real Picture: Don't Buy Illegal DVDs Off the Street," and will be bringing that underground this year.

The campaign goes a step further with New York City's 311 citizen service hotline that gives people the means to report piracy found on the streets.

The MPAA discovered in a survey conducted last year that the New York City motion picture industry was struck with 22,986 fewer jobs and $903 million in lost earnings due to pirating activity.

In response to current anti-piracy campaigns, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "The city's efforts to combat anti-piracy have gone a long way to stamping out pirated DVDs on our city streets, and now we're taking the campaign underground."

Added MPAA chairman and CEO Dan Glickman: "This next phase of the campaign and the mayor's commitment to helping fight piracy in New York are much needed during the summer when so many great movies are being released."

The advertisements criticize the idea of spending hard-earned money on poor-quality and illegal products by depicting mock rating images of "RO" for Ripped-Off, "PS" for Poor Sound, "SP" for Stupid Purchase, "OV" for Obstructed View and "F" for Fake.

The ads should appear in the city's subway system in the coming week.

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